Excursions on Thursday, August 2nd Afternoon ( will be arranged by JTB )

There are beautiful sites to discover along with interesting historical monuments in and around Sendai. Join in excursions may help you discover Sendai and make your stay special.


※All photos are provided by Miyagi Prefecture Tourism Section (写真提供:宮城県観光課)

※All excursions will be arranged by JTB, travel and registration agency. The plans and the prices can be checked and booked at the registration site.




One of The Three Most Scenic Spots in Japan, Matsushima

Zuiganji Temple (瑞巌寺) / Entsuin Temple (円通院) / Matsushima Bay Cruise (松島港遊覧船)

Whisky made in Japan, Temple and Sendai Castle Ruins

Malt whisky distillery of THE NIKKA WHISKY DISTILLING CO.,LTD (ニッカウヰスキー仙台工場宮城峡蒸溜所) /

Johgi Nyorai Saihoji Temple (定義如来 西方寺) / Sendai Castle Ruins (仙台城址/青葉城址)

Sendai New Port Area

Sendai Umino-Mori Aquarium (仙台うみの杜水族館) / Kirin Beer Brewery Tour (キリンビール仙台工場見学・試飲) /

Mitsui Outlet Park/Shopping (三井アウトレットパーク)

Around Sendai City

Sendai Castle Ruins (仙台城址/青葉城址) / Zuihoden (瑞鳳殿) /

Takeda Kamaboko(fish sausage) (武田の笹かまぼこ) /

Mitsui Outlet Park/Shopping (三井アウトレットパーク)

Tsunami and Recovery

Yuriage Hiyoriyama Park (閖上日和山公園) / Memorial Monument of Natori City (名取市震災復興祈念碑) /

Yuriage Saikai Market (閖上さいかい市場) / Takeda Kamaboko(fish sausage)(武田の笹かまぼこ)

World Heritage, Hiraizumi

Chuson-ji Temple (関山 中尊寺)
